Friday, December 14, 2007

Thoughts on Technology in Harming Others and Invading Another’s Privacy

After I read this chapter, I scanned it again to see if it addressed any issues about the prevalence of photographs being taken by cell phones. While some general issues were raised about the Web and photographs in general, there was nothing mentioned about cell photographs. I’m surprised there’s not more legal discussion about this.

As the textbook points out, people cannot expect to have the same kind of privacy protection in a public place. Yet what recourse might someone have whose image is taken without permission by someone with a cell phone and that person’s image is placed out on the Internet in a few moments for thousands to view. Even if the victimized person has a good case against the photographer, the damage is already done and irretrievable.I think this raises some interesting question about how we can help our future clients avoid trouble with hit-and-run cell phone photographers who have made it a reality that there are very few truly private places left anymore.

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